How Home Health Care Helped My Mom

Mold Removal: The Ultimate Checklist For Homeowners

by Stanley Pierce

Frequent exposure to mold and mold spores can devastate the respiratory system, causing you to sneeze, cough, and get headaches. These symptoms won't be problematic if you remove mold quickly, which you can do if you review the following checklist.

Find the Source of Your Mold Problems

If you want to solve your mold problem effectively, find the source. Something is wrong with your home that causes mold to develop. It could be a leaking pipe, poor ventilation, or a damaged roof.

Go through your home and check common areas where mold can grow. Once you find physical traces of mold, keep assessing the room until you find the cause. You can then fix the issue and plan a removal strategy. 

Protect Your Body

Mold isn't something to casually handle without protective gear on. If you did, you risk exposure and several associated side effects. Give yourself proper protection before you inspect and remove mold in your home.

Several items that help include rubber gloves, safety goggles, a mouth respirator, long pants, and waterproof boots. If you put these items on your body, you won't be as vulnerable, and mold removal will be much safer to complete by yourself. 

Air Out Your Home

Even if you plan to wear protective gear, still plan to air out the home. You want to eliminate mold spores so your respiratory system remains protected during and after mold removal. 

Opening windows, cracking doors, and setting up portable fans are just some tactics that can help you improve airflow. Once you properly air out your home, you can begin inspecting different areas for mold. 

Keep Mold From Growing Back

Once you successfully get rid of mold, take measures to keep it from growing back. You can keep your home mold-free with proper techniques and attention to detail. 

In addition to finding the source of your mold issue and resolving it, keep your humidity levels at the correct range. Use a monitor to see what moisture levels are and adjust until they return to a safe range. 

Directing water from your property is also a good strategy. For instance, if you have gutters, ensure they're not blocked and verify water moves away from the roof and foundation to keep mold from developing. 

When you realize mold is in your home, take measures to remove it. Promptness and thoroughness are vital in dealing with mold before it negatively impacts your health.

Contact a local company to learn more about mold removal.
